

Preferred-Languages: en, fr, es, it  
Apologies: Square Space won’t let me place a file in the expected /.well-known/security.txt location! This is the best I could do!


The Monkey would :

like to thank you for your efforts to help us make our service better. Monkeytronics is a Wellington based social enterprise working hard to improve conditions for New Zealand kids both at home and in schools. By helping us improve the security of our products, you are helping us achieve our mission. So, thanks. You rock!

Policy For Dealing with Disclosures

This policy outlines how Monkeytronics will coordinate the disclosure of information relating to vulnerabilities which, if exploited, could give rise to a compromise or degradation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of a network, system or data.

The Monkey will :

  • operate in accordance with relevant local laws

  • take reasonable care to minimise the risk of harm from security research, vulnerability discovery and disclosure

  • provide sufficient information on the reported vulnerability as required

  • maintain discretion, and

  • communicate in a timely manner.

  • seek agreement, where possible, between relevant parties before disclosing information regarding a vulnerability to the public, and

  • provide fair treatment to all relevant parties as much as possible.