IoT Connectivity: Data Anywhere on any Platform


Web Portal


The Web Portal is designed primarily for organisational users, but it is available for everyone! Check it out at Let us know what you think.


Mobile App

The mobile app is optimised for home users with a moderate number of devices. Adding devices on the mobile app is simple thanks to the integrated QR code reader.


SIGFOX Security

Sensor node is super secure, using end-to-end encrypted data transfer, industry standard user authentication techniques and HTTPS security throughout.



Setting up your Sensor Node monitor is a piece of cake. Check out this quick video for some helpful advice and tips.


Groups & Reports

Device management and report generation is made simple using groups. Reports are delivered in standard CSV format for seamless integration with Excel.


Sharing Data

You can share device data with up to 5 friends, family or co-workers. The process is incredibly simple. You enter their email address to grant access to selected devices. And they are good to go.